
Can I rent The Red Barn?

Yes!  The Red Barn is available year round!  Availability is on a first come, first served basis and requires a non-refundable deposit of half the rental price plus tax. A credit card on file, for damage security, is also required. 

What does it cost to rent The Red BArn?

As the full barn can be used for so many different types of events, the rental rates for The Red Barn depend upon a number of factors including the day of the week, type of event, number of guests and time needed.. Contact us to discuss all the options available for your event.

Do you have a rental rate for not-for-profits or schools/organizations?

Yes, we do! Contact us to discuss.

What does my rental include?

Tables and chairs to accommodate up to 152 guests - A variety of rectangle and round table are available.

A digital link to track your plans, menu, and financials

All linens for the tables, your choice of colored cloth napkins

All setup & cleanup by our staff

Staff for your event

Real white porcelain dinnerware, silverware, and glassware

A fire pit on the patio

A sound system with microphone

The Red Barn has men's and women's restrooms that have multiple stalls and are handicap accessible.

Projector and Screen available for an additional cost.

What do we do about food and beverage?

You have many menu options! The Red Barn at Sycamore Farm has a number approved caterers for your upcoming event. Please contact us for more information.

If you would like to offer beer, wine, and wine based cocktails (Premium Blend), an additional fee of $200 will be collected to cover the costs of bartenders and set up.  No outside alcohol is permitted on the property at anytime as dictated by IN's excise law. Hosted bars may require security officers (hired by The Red Barn), depending on event.

The Vintage Shamrock Horse Trailer Mobile Bar is also available for a second bar and/or drink station of your choice. Please contact us for more information.

Is The Red Barn climate controlled?

It is! We have 3 zoned systems to keep the barn warm and cool.

What kind of flooring is in The Red Barn?

The large room floor is smooth concrete, and it's great for dancing! The small room features beautiful sassafras wood floors.

Where do my guests park?

There is a large, graveled lot and additional parking in the field.  Parking attendants will make sure everyone finds a spot!

Is there a preferred vendor list?

No, however we must approve. All vendors must have equipment removed at the end of the event.